Keeping A Trivia Night Blog

 How to keep a blog for your bar trivia events

As a bar owner, you know how important it is to keep your customers engaged and entertained. One way to do this is through hosting regular trivia nights at your bar. Another way is to create a blog to accompany those trivia events. Not only will it add an extra layer of fun for your customers, but it can also help bring in new business. Here are some tips on how to create a blog for your bar trivia nights.



Trivia blog write-up example

After each trivia night, write up a recap of the questions asked and the answers given. Include any fun anecdotes that happened during the night, such as a team coming from behind to win or a particularly difficult question stumping everyone. This will give customers who couldn't make it that night a taste of the fun they missed out on and will also keep those who did attend engaged. 



scores example - trivia blog bar trivia nights

Post the night’s final scores and include what prizes teams won, if any. This will create some friendly competition among the teams and encourage them to come back each week to try and improve their scores. Added tip: We have a 2nd-to-last place prize (bartender’s choice of shots) and posting the winner each week has created a fun goal for teams that don’t consistently win.



STandings example - trivia blog bar trivia nights

Similar to the scores, post the standings for the trivia season. (More info on season standings here.) You can even create a prize for the team with the best overall score at the end of the season, which will encourage even more friendly competition. At our events, we have a season-ending trophy ceremony for the top three teams. 

Trophy example - bar trivia events blog how-to


Added tip: Whenever possible, we select trophies based on the team names (ex: one year, we gave a piano trophy to a team called B-Sharps.)
You can also add prizes for most-improved team, best team name, or even gag prizes for those in the last few spots.

Fun Facts 

Fun Fact - bar trivia events blog post how-to

Include some fun facts related to one or more of the questions asked at your quiz that week. This will give customers some interesting tidbits to take away with them and will add an educational element to the night. You can also include fun facts about your bar or the history of the area where your bar is located.


Category Hints 

Category hint example - Colorful Answers
(category: colorful answers)

The last thing we always include in your blog posts is a category hint for that week’s quiz. This allows players to guess at what one of the categories is and, if they guess correctly, gives them a chance to study before the event. It also helps teams select their players for the night. If they have a teammate who’s an expert in that week’s category, they have time to contact that person to make sure they’ll be there. We’ve made this super easy for our customers; check out our Category Hint blog and share with your players!


Creating a blog for your bar trivia nights is a great way to keep your customers engaged and coming back for more. Not only will it add an extra layer of fun to the nights, but it can also help bring in new business. By including write-ups, scores, standings, fun facts, and category hints your customers will have even more reasons to keep coming back each week.


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